Tech Entrepreneur | Visionary CTO

AVB helps companies achieve their digital transformation, leveraging the power of Cloud solutions.

+27 years of Architecture Infras, Apps & Security, including +16 years of Microsoft Cloud Strategy and Adoption. 

+21 years of leadership reconciling technology, business and management.

AVB supports companies in their adoption of the Cloud:

Cloud Strategy & Plan

Organizations that do not have a high-level cloud strategy driven by their business strategy will significantly increase their risk of failure and wasted investment.

  • Align technical change to business needs
  • Skills readiness and DevOps Cloud adoption plan
  • Azure landing zone architecture
  • Implementation options

Cloud Adoption

Over 50% of enterprises focus on migrating workloads from their internal environments when deploying into a public cloud. 28% are focused on a ‘lift and shift’approach, while another 28% will undergo refactoring first.

  • Deliver technical solutions (migrate and innovate)
  • Support and operate adopted solutions

Cloud Governance & Manage

Concerns about cloud service provider security have become counterproductive and are distracting CIOs and CISOs from establishing the organizational,security, and governance processes that prevent cloud security and compliance mistakes.
  • Manage risk, drive consistency, secure, governance, and compliance
  • Improve quality, speed, and resiliency of adoption